João F. F. Nogueira

João F. F. Nogueira - Flutter Developer | Android | Windows | Web

Flutter Developer | Android | Windows

  • Hi! My name is João (something like John in English), I’m a former biology teacher who is now a Flutter developer with 5 Android apps published on Google Play (and a few more on the way). My current study and work is focused on Android development, but with Flutter’s capabilities, I’m expanding into iOS and Windows development.


  • Systems Analysis and Development (2020-2021)
  • Software Engineering (2019)
  • Master of Environmental Education (2016-2017)
  • Biology (2012-2015)


  • Freelancer Developer (2020-)
  • Editorial assistant (2016-2018)
  • Researcher on Environmental Education (2012-2017)
  • Biology Teacher (2012-2017)


Purple Store app

Purple Store simulates a store app. Allows you to register or login to access the products. Then you can add them to the cart, adjust the quantities, check the total amount and complete the order. You can also view orders already placed.

This project currently applies the following features:
Null Safety with Flutter 3;
Native Material design widgets;
State management with Provider, MultiProvider and Change Notifier;
Navigation between screens;
Product registration forms with validation;
Drawer, snack bar, Dialog;
HTTP requests, API Rest;
Remote persistence with Firebase Realtime Database;
Authentication with Firebase; ProxyProvider;
Animations such as transitions, hero, AnimatedBuilder, and AnimatedContainer.

Purple Places app

Purple Places allows you to locate on the map or use your GPS to mark your favorite places. In addition to a description for your tag, you can include a photo!

This project currently applies the following features:
Null Safety with Flutter 3;
Native Material design widgets;
State management with Provider and Change Notifier;
Use of native camera and GPS features;
Persistence with sqflite (SQLite);
Integration with Google Maps API to display maps and get addresses from geographic coordinates.

Purple Expenses app

Purple expenses allow you to have simple control of your weekly expenses, displaying the values in a bar graph representing expenses on each day of the last week.

This project currently applies the following features:
Null Safety with Flutter 2;
Material design with adaptations for Cupertino (platform detection);
Native and combined/custom widgets;
ListView.builder applied for better component rendering performance;
Styling elements by manipulating Theme;
Internationalization (in progress) using external libs (INTL);
Form displayed as Modal;
Passing methods as parameters for communication between Stateless and Stateful widgets;
Responsiveness to different screens with LayoutBuilder and Media Query.

Trajano S. Filho law firm app

Made with Flutter, based on Material Design, this app can be deployed for Android and iOS, includes an “about” page view and offers ways for users to communicate with the Trajano S. Filho law office (WhatsApp, E-mail) and links to it social media (LinkedIn, Tahech Advogados website). The app is also integrated with Firebase, and uses Firebase Cloud Messaging service to receive push notifications, which can be marketing links of the office, or free law materials for customers. It’s already available on Google Play, iOS soon.

Contact me!

Let me know how can I help you and your company:

E-mail me DM on Linkedin